Monday, March 30, 2009

Setting Goals

I met Snafu and his Mom for drinks at Zeitgeist tonight and the conversation eventually turned to organization. I haven't seen it yet, but apparently Mom's apartment is a model of modernist minimalism: very little furniture and a Murphy bed that disappears during the day. Her only furnishing vice, if you'd call it that, is art - lots of it.

Art sure beats cardboard boxes.

Tomorrow is the last day of March, and I'm starting to feel Spring slip away before its really even begun. I need to set some goals and get things done. Snafu's Mom had two pieces of advice for me:

1. BE RUTHLESS. As she put it, there are some positive associations to be had with having lots of stuff, like a feeling of abundance, but there are better associations to be had with having less clutter. She says, there are things you need in your life and things you don't need. Get rid of the things you don't need or that you can easily replace should you ever need them again.

2. GET RID OF 7 THINGS EVERY WEEK. This seems like a lot to me, but I'm going to give it a try for the next month and see how it goes. Also, I won't buy any new stuff without making room for it by getting rid of old stuff. My clutter is bad enough without me adding to it.

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