Sunday, March 29, 2009

Clutter Liberation Organization

The idea for Clutter Liberation Organization came about yesterday while my friend Snafu and I were walking around Bernal Hill in San Francisco. We've been friends for a long time, but just this week opened up to each other about our difficulties getting organized and managing the clutter in our lives.

Almost every aspect of my life is cluttered: my closet, my dresser and my files at home; my car; my office. Rather than take action to get these areas organized, I've turned to a costly coping mechanism to get around my problem: storage units. I have two storage units here in San Francisco and one in Austin, and I treat my 1994 Isuzu Trooper like a mobile storage unit. All together my units cost me $2,760 a year in rent, not to mention the lost opportunities to spend my money on other things and the decreased gas mileage for my truck. (I've also found that having a truck full of stuff parked on the streets of San Franisco is a tempting invitation to some thieves -- four break-ins in as many years.)

It's time I made some big changes in my life. It's not going to be easy, so it's good to know that I'm not alone. Snafu and I will chronicle our efforts to get organized and reduce the clutter in our lives on this website.

Thanks for reading.

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