Sunday, March 29, 2009

Clutter no mas!!

Have you ever hired someone to come to your house to clean it, but you feel compelled to clean a little bit beforehand? That's what I did yesterday, cleaning up a bit knowing that today was going to be my first blog entry towards a clutter-free existence. Hey whatever it takes, eh?

Of late, many things are not "clicking" for me professionally, things seem to take longer than they should and I've got this cloud hanging over me that seems to all lead back to the trail of clutter I am accumulating and not cleaning up. I thought about the common characteristic of "successful" people (however you define success) and every example I came up with was "organized", something that I can honestly say does not describe me these days.

Yesterday I took a look at what Dingo is dealing with in his storage, and it's definitely not a pretty sight. While I don't have his car or storage situation per se, I struggle with trying to transcend from being cluttered to organized.

I recently got married and live in a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco. A highlight of our place is the three walk-in closets (anyone familiar with the characteristics of a typical San Francisco apartment will understand that three walk-ins truly is a highlight). One closet for her, one for me, and one to convert to an "office". As of today, only one out of three closets can actually be 'walked' into, due to my overflowing boxes and paper. Co-habitating with someone who doesn't struggle with organization sometimes makes trying to overcome my cluttering ways even more of a, well, struggle, but it gives me more determination than I've ever had in my life. I welcome the transformation!

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